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Hydropool North West

Our Hydropool Swim Spa Test Centre features three top of the range Constant Current Swim Spas: 19EX Executive Trainer, 17AX AquaTrainer, 14FX AquaSport

With our complimentary test service you'll have the chance to swim the full range, from the spa that provides intense swim training to our all-around family fun model, to find the right spa for you.

For over a decade, family-owned Hydropool North West has been a specialising in Swim Spas and Hot Tubs, which use the patented Self-Cleaning System. Our expertise will guide you through your swim spa learning experience, and our unique test-ready Swim Spa Centre will make it easier than ever to make your final decision.


Hydropool Spas are manufactured in Canada. Ready for winter workouts and relaxation no matter the temperature, rain or shine? 

Energy Efficient
Beyond Compare

Our ultra-efficient swim spas use less energy than the competition, saving you more pounds on your electric bills.

Soft Sell Guarantee

We pride ourselves in our no-push approach to selling, we're here to educate & advocate for the spas we believe in!

The Only Self-Cleaning System

Other brand's "self-cleaning" claims are false. Ours is the only patented system, with commercial-grade filtration for real power to back it up.

Still Searching For Answers?
There's a Full Page of Frequently Asked Swim Spa Questions

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